Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So incredibly late, well i actually wrote this earlier in the week not intending for it to be on the interweb, but HEY nobody reads this anyways :) - if you are reading this, yes i know it won't make sense...the expanded version is safely away in my journal up in my room - AND I'm procrastinating, so hopefully after this, the coffee I had will kick in and I'll be conscious enough to get some studying done :)

2009, by far the CRAZIEST year yet .
Experienced the lowest low to the highest high and went from being as far from God as anyone could be to where I am now (learning more everyday).
2009 made me a better person.
2009 taught me countless life lessons that I will NEVER forget.
2009 was a good year.

In 2009, I was in a relationship.
In 2009, he left me.
In 2009, I blocked my feelings away and lived like a robot.
In 2009, I was hit with the hardest punch of emotion that nearly suffocated me.
In 2009, I pretended to be okay.
In 2009, I went to Florida without my parents
In 2009, I was so confused about boys, I never thought I would have anyone.
In 2009, I was surprised.
In 2009, I re-discovered God and began to live again.
In 2009, I was saved...again.
In 2009, I turned 16.
In 2009, someone who was just a friend became so much more than that.
In 2009, I fell in love.
In 2009, he changed my life.
In 2009, I almost failed math class.
In 2009, I learned how to drive.
In 2009, I went to wonderland more than once.
In 2009, I went to the States to play soccer.
In 2009, I learned what it was like to have someone truly love me for who I am.
In 2009, my Âvo killed himself.
In 2009, my Tia died.
In 2009, I wished I could be in Portugal with my family.
In 2009, I ran 7k.
In 2009, I worried about my friends.
In 2009, I realized I was more than halfway done high-school, which scared the crap out of me.
In 2009, I became a better person.

God, thank you for this year. I'm sorry for forgetting about you.

2010 will be better!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yes, it's in french.

Si je trouvais une lanterne magique et qu’un génie m’a accordé trios souhaits je demanderais que…

1) Je souhaiterais que l'argent et l’avidité n'ait existé pas dans ce monde. Si vous pensez à lui, la plupart des problèmes dans le monde doivent font parce que les gens veulent plus que qu'ils ont déjà.
2) Que tout le monde pourrait voir la beauté de le monde et c’est le monde qui soutient notre vie. Les gens ont besoin de se rendre compte que quelquefois les choses que nous faisons à notre monde nous reviendront…peut-être pas nous directement mais pour notre générations futures. Jamais l'action a une réaction.
3) Comme mon dernier souhait, je souhaiterais pour plus de souhaits, mais je ne pense pas qu'il serait permis. Si plutôt je demanderais pour l'amour et le bonheur éternel pour tous gens dans le monde.