Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So incredibly late, well i actually wrote this earlier in the week not intending for it to be on the interweb, but HEY nobody reads this anyways :) - if you are reading this, yes i know it won't make sense...the expanded version is safely away in my journal up in my room - AND I'm procrastinating, so hopefully after this, the coffee I had will kick in and I'll be conscious enough to get some studying done :)

2009, by far the CRAZIEST year yet .
Experienced the lowest low to the highest high and went from being as far from God as anyone could be to where I am now (learning more everyday).
2009 made me a better person.
2009 taught me countless life lessons that I will NEVER forget.
2009 was a good year.

In 2009, I was in a relationship.
In 2009, he left me.
In 2009, I blocked my feelings away and lived like a robot.
In 2009, I was hit with the hardest punch of emotion that nearly suffocated me.
In 2009, I pretended to be okay.
In 2009, I went to Florida without my parents
In 2009, I was so confused about boys, I never thought I would have anyone.
In 2009, I was surprised.
In 2009, I re-discovered God and began to live again.
In 2009, I was saved...again.
In 2009, I turned 16.
In 2009, someone who was just a friend became so much more than that.
In 2009, I fell in love.
In 2009, he changed my life.
In 2009, I almost failed math class.
In 2009, I learned how to drive.
In 2009, I went to wonderland more than once.
In 2009, I went to the States to play soccer.
In 2009, I learned what it was like to have someone truly love me for who I am.
In 2009, my Âvo killed himself.
In 2009, my Tia died.
In 2009, I wished I could be in Portugal with my family.
In 2009, I ran 7k.
In 2009, I worried about my friends.
In 2009, I realized I was more than halfway done high-school, which scared the crap out of me.
In 2009, I became a better person.

God, thank you for this year. I'm sorry for forgetting about you.

2010 will be better!


  1. Ok i like ur blog... yeah... It is so cool!!!

  2. this honeslty made me cry.
    like real real tears.
    i say we got to portugal togehter,
    and you can play soccer there so add that to your 2010 list. :)

  3. 1. Love your 2009 "scrapbook" entry type list of "been there done that".
    2. Love the way you mix superficial everyday tasks with heartfelt emotional "eventual nonsense" (5*)
    3. Love the way after reading this post my comon everyday frown became a stupid looking smile, that scares my coleagues at work and makes them question me as to my well being.

    If I didn´t know you, I´d still love your wrinting!

    Thank you
