Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My pastor at church told the most amazing story the other day, and I just need to share it. So basically he was in the streets of Ottawa one day years ago, and he saw a woman running by, a young african American woman to be exact. A few momens later, he saw a group of white males run by as well. Immediately without thinking, he began to run as well. When he found the group, they were in an alley. The woman was cowering on the ground, and surrounding her were the men ferociously kicking her. Bruxy (my pastor) squeezed into the middle of the circle, spread out his hands and said  "I follow Jesus and that means that there are two things I cannot do: one is fight you, and two is sit by and do nothing, so all I can say is kill me first. Kill me first, just kill me." Now first the men were confused, "why is this man defending her, hes white?" Bruxy just kept repeatring "kill me, just kill me" . The guys ended up leaving, either because they were jsut so weirded out, or they were afraid of the poliece showing up. Either way, they left, and the woman was safe.

This story, honestly gives me so much hope. This man Inspires me to do so much.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Psalm 17:4-5

Just reminding myself  :)

I'm not trying to get my way
in the world's way.
I'm trying to get your way,
your Word's way.
I'm staying on your trail;
I'm putting one foot
In front of the other.
I'm not giving up.
Psalm 17:4-5

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tell me Why...

Why does everything always get so complicated with me...
You know when you just need to escape to that place, that special place.
The usually imaginary place, where you feel so safe and warm, and like nothing could ever hurt you.
The place where even bad thoughts can't reach you.
That perfect serenity.
That beautiful place.
 ...I need that place.
So peaceful, nothing could go wrong.
Where is it?

Help me, tell me please. God, where is that place? Why haven't I been there in so long? I've had glimpses, beautiful lapses in time, when there was perfection. But really, when can I go there again? Have I ever really been there? Why not?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Why do we doubt sometimes, wouldn't it be perfect to live in a world without doubts?
I guess I just have to remember that:
     He is here, He is Alive, He is Love.
     He will always be there for me, no matter what.

"Embrace who you are, but don't apologize."
-Selena Gomez
This took me a while to achieve. Now I'm trying to convince some other very important individuals this.
Please, I need your help.

“Don’t take back the godless nations as your models. Don’t be impressed by their glamour and glitz, no matter how much they’re impressed…But God is the real thing – the living God, the eternal King.”
Jeremiah10: 2, 10.
 First off, it RHYMES! rhymes make me happy. The Word makes me happy. Mix the two, and I'm ECSTATIC :D Secondly, it's truth just blows me away. It's so easy to get sucked into things that "seem" right. Or things that "look" okay. Sometimes we need to take a step back and really see, not just look, SEE our lives, and evaluate. Check to make sure we're still on the right track. BUT, what if we don't know where that track leads? Tricky question, all I know is that as long as we Trust in Him, everything will be okay. Just trust and follow your heart. Everything will be okay.

It's True

Prayer Changes Things.

Monday, February 1, 2010

25 things

Remember that annoying 25 things note that EVERYONE had and tagged you in on Facebook a while back. Well i re-visited my old one and was surprised at how many things have changed since then, So here I go again. 25 things about me:

1. Philippians 4:13 is what I live by,
' I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.'
God is my strength and my shield, I can do all things through him. He gives me the strength to live and carry his word.

2. I like to speak my mind.

3. I'm a Vegetarian : ) It was a personal choice I made almost 4 years ago. 'Animals are my friends... I don't eat my friends.'

4. It's SusanA! not Susan, okay? thanks! 

5. I LOVE to read!

6. I sing along to almost EVERY song I hear... even if I don't know it.

7. Lately, I've really been into what my friend calls 'Jesus Music'.
I love worship music, and listen to it ALL the time.

8. I play the piano and the Trumpet, and I'm learning the drums.

9. I absolutely ADORE taking photographs... I'm not very good at it, but I'm learning as I go along

10. I find shopping therapeutic, which can get very dangerous very easily :P

11. I firmly believe that my mission is to Change the World, in any way I can.

12. I like to make people smile :)

13. I AM a tree hugger, don't hate (:

14. I speak 2 and a half languages. English, Portuguese and kinda French. My first Language was a mixture of Portuguese and English. (quando eu was little, I falei assim) I really confused my kindergarten teachers : )

15. I love learning but I hate school. I tend to give myself over to stress and live very unhealthy when it happens.

16. I am so incredibly exited for this summer, mainly because I'll be able to drive wherever I want alone :)

17. I love Mark!

18. I fall, ALL THE TIME.

19. I hate feet! ... its a phobia.

20. I'm 5'2... YAY i grew an Inch since I last wrote one of these :P

21. I get Migraines a lot.

22. I am very proud at the fact that I have been going to church every week since the new year... It was one of my resolutions. The Meeting House FTW. And I love that I look forward to church all week :D

23. I am weird, and am constantly reminded of the fact :)

24. I love to play soccer!

25. I need a job!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So incredibly late, well i actually wrote this earlier in the week not intending for it to be on the interweb, but HEY nobody reads this anyways :) - if you are reading this, yes i know it won't make sense...the expanded version is safely away in my journal up in my room - AND I'm procrastinating, so hopefully after this, the coffee I had will kick in and I'll be conscious enough to get some studying done :)

2009, by far the CRAZIEST year yet .
Experienced the lowest low to the highest high and went from being as far from God as anyone could be to where I am now (learning more everyday).
2009 made me a better person.
2009 taught me countless life lessons that I will NEVER forget.
2009 was a good year.

In 2009, I was in a relationship.
In 2009, he left me.
In 2009, I blocked my feelings away and lived like a robot.
In 2009, I was hit with the hardest punch of emotion that nearly suffocated me.
In 2009, I pretended to be okay.
In 2009, I went to Florida without my parents
In 2009, I was so confused about boys, I never thought I would have anyone.
In 2009, I was surprised.
In 2009, I re-discovered God and began to live again.
In 2009, I was saved...again.
In 2009, I turned 16.
In 2009, someone who was just a friend became so much more than that.
In 2009, I fell in love.
In 2009, he changed my life.
In 2009, I almost failed math class.
In 2009, I learned how to drive.
In 2009, I went to wonderland more than once.
In 2009, I went to the States to play soccer.
In 2009, I learned what it was like to have someone truly love me for who I am.
In 2009, my Âvo killed himself.
In 2009, my Tia died.
In 2009, I wished I could be in Portugal with my family.
In 2009, I ran 7k.
In 2009, I worried about my friends.
In 2009, I realized I was more than halfway done high-school, which scared the crap out of me.
In 2009, I became a better person.

God, thank you for this year. I'm sorry for forgetting about you.

2010 will be better!